@redvip: don’t expect America to invade Afghanistan again. The Chinese already started to take over the country in forms of military and infrastructure. This President is weak, expect Taiwan to fall next, war in India and Africa as China is funding Pakistan and various African terrorist groups.
We are on the precipice of a Third World War, not nuclear but a war between third world countries over who gets to reign over the vast amounts of resources that the West needs to do so-called green things. Europe will get pulled in because China and Russia will cut off their energy and food supplies as they’ve been dependent, eventually after the Democrats leave office (doubtful Biden survives that long, but Harris may) then the US will have to clean it all up again.
Our carbon-free energy will be soaked in blood. And then within 50 years when we realize that it’s not sustainable, we will have created a most unstable world, when the answer was laying under our feet all along. Biden just committed an Archduke Ferdinand-level mistake all because he doesn’t understand foreign policy and his base hated everything Trump did for world peace.
Biden needs to go, he is objectively the worst president in history.